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Cow Close Barn Conversion house build

Cow Close Barn with Heat Pump and Underfloor Heating

26th May 2023

Paul M contacted us in early 2022 to discuss the use of the Lewis Deck system following a recommendation by his Ground Source Heat Pump system installer. We worked through the drawings and provided a quote, the Lewis Deck and…

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2022 Has Begun and Exhibitions Are, Fingers Crossed, Back To Normal.

21st January 2022

Starting on Friday 28th January, now that COVID has magically disappeared, we are heading back on the road and will be exhibiting for a full year for the first time since 2019. Next Friday sees the first exhibition at the…

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Lewis Deck Logo

Lewis Deck Brochure Content

22nd November 2021

As part of a joisted floor construction, LEWIS® Dovetailed metaldecking provides a first class solution for ACOUSTICS, FIRE PROTECTION and workswell with UNDERFLOOR HEATING AND COOLING systems.LEWIS® Dovetailed metal decking solutions are used in a range of applications includingrenovations and…

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